
Expand Your Brain: The Best of Radiolab Part 2

There are plenty of ways to boost your creativity and get smarter: read, listen to music, exercise, or learn something new. One of my favorite brain exercises is to listen to Radiolab.

Radiolab is a podcast, “about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.” There are so many different podcasts. All of them intellectual brain candy. Enjoy this second half of our favorite Radiolab podcasts, and see the first installment here.

Just like anything that makes you think or gives you an emotional feeling, some of these moments may spark feelings you may not prefer. Be aware of this while listening and remember that sometimes stretching your brain and learning new things can have a deeper impact than expected.

Memory + Forgetting- How does the brain deal with memories? How are they made? How are they forgotten? How are they changed? The brain is a powerful thing.

Bliss- From a candy bar to a new method that allows children to communicate and say, “I love you” for the first time, see what Bliss means around the world. 

Emergence- Starlings, bees, and ants all work in harmony to create incredibly complicated societies. How are they able to do this without a conductor to lead them?  

Falling- People fall everyday, literally and metaphorically. Think about all of the different ways to fall (asleep, in love, in the dirt) and see where all of those trips take you.  

Space- Just what you thought. Space is an incredible, awe-inspiring frontier. Let your ears explore it, and see how small and big you really are.

Some of these episodes may have inspired a new way of thinking or new thoughts. Another way to get a fresh perspective is to take a standing break. Check out our standing desk designs and build a healthier and more creative lifestyle. If we missed your favorite Radiolab podcast write it in the comments.

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