standing desks the onion

Oh Onion… You’re So Silly.

Study, after study, after study is showing that alternating between sitting and standing is healthier than just sitting. The news became so popular that the Onion had to poke some fun.

In their “article” they site a fictitious study that revealed people who sit for five or more hours a day are “more comfy” than those who don’t. The “researcher” in the humorous study went on to say, “the comfiest people of all are those who sit for most of the day and then spend eight hours or more lying down.” In addition to being comfier, the people who sit for hours on end are “cozier” and “snugglier” as well.

The actual study that they may be referring to is published by the American Cancer Society. They site that sitting for six hours or more a day may increase your likelihood of dying from cancer along with other diseases.

The Onion wasn’t able to help themselves, and we get it. Even though this is a serious subject, it seems like standing desk news is everywhere. It can be a lot to take in, and it can be a big adjustment to your lifestyle. So why it might sound comfier, just stand up at your Evodesk standing desk in a blanket. And as a bonus, standing with the correct posture may help with some aches and pains.

So an Evodesk standing desk may actually help you get comfier in the long run.

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