
Steps to Make an Entreprenuer

If you are reading this, you might be an entrepreneur. A game changer. Someone who makes their own rules and creates without limits. Or maybe you might want that amount of freedom, or open future for your kid: Have them build their own empire as opposed to punching a clock for someone else. Check out this TED talk from Cameron Herold all about how to raise an entrepreneur.

“Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs” has a number of helpful hints about putting your kid on the right track to think for themselves, problem solve, and save money. And even if you don’t have kids, some of these tips can help you get in the right mindset. You are never too old to take the first step. You may be too old for the allowance trick though. Ask your mom. Here are our highlighted favorites:

1. Don’t give an allowance: Entrepreneurs never know how much their next paycheck is going to be. Their work is a direct reflection of their “next big idea.” To get them ready for a creative future where they are looking for solutions, have them come to you with “work ideas.” Have them search around the house or the yard for a job they can do, then have them approach you with an idea for a payment. For example, the clothes need to be folded a put away, so Timmy says he can take that job for a reasonable bedtime of 9:30 or $4. Let the haggling and the brain flexing begin.

2. Teachable moments: Every day is a chance to learn. If you are at a restaurant and the wait staff is doing a great job, explain to your kids why and how they are impressive. What are the great qualities that make them shine? The same goes for the opposite. If someone is giving you terrible service, show you kids what not to do, and down the road, who knows how far that knowledge will take them.

3. Get those jitters out: Put them in a play, debate club, anything that has them speaking in front of a group of people. There no place for being shy if you want to be an entrepreneur. You can even start small at story time. Read a few stories then have you kid come up with their own story. Any time is a time to be creative.

4. 50% / 50%: Anytime they get anything, split it up. Half goes to savings, half is for fun. Every month, have the kids go with you to the bank to deposit the money as watch their savings grow.

5. Teach how to price: All their old toys that they have outgrown can be a huge learning opportunity. Walk your kids through posting something on Craigslist: how to price, catch a scammer, etc. Never let them use the site alone, but it can be a fascinating experience about how to sell and how to advertise something that they would not have used otherwise.

There are a ton of ways to raise a free-thinker, and an additional tip is to keep them on their feet. Standing desks are known to boost creativity, productivity, and your mood. Keeping your circulation going and sending plenty of blood and oxygen to your brain is a step in the idea-making direction.

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