chess and other brain tips

Tips to Get Smarter

At Evodesk we are all about improvements. Taking a standing desk and making it better. So why wouldn’t we apply that logic to ourselves? Here is a list of our favorite tips and tricks to workout your brain.

You are who you meet- Want to stay on the top of your intellectual game? Spend time with people who are smarter than you. The more time you spend with interesting people, the more you’ll learn and grow as a person. You know what they say: Surround yourself with people you would like to emulate. If you always hang out with lazy people don’t be surprised when you realize years have gone by and you haven’t written that zombie screenplay yet. If you want to be a writer, spend time with writers. Join a writing group and meet up at the coffee shop where you can plot out your storyline and join some caffeine to help you write it.
Play games- Board games aren’t just for kids. In fact, it seems like party games are really making an impact on how people spend their Friday nights. Anything that requires thinking skills, reasoning, interpretation, or strategy is a mental workout and when you are working as a team think of it like a
meeting of the minds. My personal recommendations are Risk, Pandemic, and Forbidden Desert. Feel
free to comment with your favorite board games below. The longer the list, the more options for a memorable game night. And if it’s just a party of two, there is always chess.
Brain workouts- There are several websites out there that cater to intellectual stimulation. Brain
HQ, Lumosity, and Limitless are just a handful of the websites designed around the idea that pattern solving, quick brain games are a creative and fun way to keep those neurons firing and flexing that grey matter.
Put away the cheat sheets- You don’t count on your fingers anymore for a reason. When you learned
your times tables back in third grade, you developed neural pathways that have started to become a ghost town. Don’t let that brain power slip away. The next time you get a restaurant bill, don’t pull up the calculator app on your cell phone: Do the math. Here is a tip on how to calculate a 20% tip in your head.
Say the total is $24.98 for your meal. To calculate 20% first figure out what a 10% tip is by moving the decimal place over one ($2.498 which is close enough to $2.50). Congratulations! You just fired a neuron down the math pathway and it sure loved the feeling. Next, take that amount and double it or multiple it by two whichever you prefer ($2.50 + $2.50=$5). Ta-Da! Last step. Add 20% ($5) to the original total ($24.98 almost $25) to get a rounded total of $30. Your server and your brain thank you.
Stand and Breathe- Another way to boost your brain power is to get more oxygen going to your brain and you can’t get that if you are hunching over a screen squishing your lungs. Stand up tall. Stand up at a standing desk and go over your times tables. Mrs. Kauffman from your elementary school would be proud.
In two previous posts we talked about how learning new things can help with your brain power. See our Radiolab podcast hits here and here.

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